Breaking the Sugar Cycle

Breaking the Sugar Cycle

A Sweet Escape to a Healthier You

Are you on a mission to cut down on added sugars but find yourself succumbing to sweet temptations in times of stress? It's a common struggle, especially during the brutal initial three days – a toxic phase that, once conquered, paves the way for a healthier lifestyle.

Stress eating may provide temporary comfort, but it often leaves a lingering aftermath of regret and a craving for healthier coping mechanisms. That said, stress eating puts another burden on you besides the stress itself.

Now once recognized it's time to focus and put control back into place that will help you long term dealing with health and stress.

The Sweet Rewards of Avoiding Sugar

- Feel happier and less depressed.
- Experience increased energy and activity levels.
- Say goodbye to headaches.
- Enjoy healthier organ and skin conditions.
- Notice tighter, more glowing skin on your body and face.


The Unpleasant Side Effects of Sugar Consumption

- Encounter flappy skin.
- Experience evening headaches.
- Suffer from low energy and itchy skin.
- Develop rashes on your arms.
- Battle pimples, acne, and mood swings.
- Constantly feel thirsty.
- Risk falling into a cycle of depression driven by sugar cravings.
- Face a sugar crash, resulting in a low mood after a period of not eating.


Sugar aggravates you

Breaking Free: Alternatives to Sugar

- Opt for regulated fruit consumption.
- Explore substitute sweeteners like allulose or monk fruit for homemade desserts.
- Consider salty snacks as an alternative when cravings strike.

Embrace the journey of breaking free from the sugar cycle, sweetening life without the bitter consequences. Your path to a healthier, happier you starts with the choices you make today.


Healthy Fridge

The Toxic Phase: First 3 Days

- Remove all sugary traps from your fridge and pantry.
- Resist stress-induced chocolate, candy, cupcakes, and brownies – a.k.a. stress eating.


It's all about finding replacements for your stress eating habits.

We have learned to replace sugar with alternative sweeteners. There are many resources on the market. To name a few sugar alcohols; Erythritol, Splenda, Xylitol. Natural Sweeteners are much better for your gut: Monk fruit, Allulose, Stevia. If you like real natural sweeteners and do not have to watch your blood sugar levels we recommend staying with real natural sweeteners such as apple sauce, bananas, that is called fructose sweeteners. Another good version is Agave, Honey and Maple syrup which also contains sugar but has a slight different profile. Once you regulate your sugar consumptions and find yourself to be in a good place we would recommend using these 3 just mentioned as an alternative and consume them only once or twice a week in minimal doses.

Sweeteners t stay away from fully:

- cane sugar also called rare sugar
- coconut sugar
- corn syrup, rice syrup or any other any "syrups" mentioned on a nutrition label


4 Foods With Hidden Sugar

Most people are able to identify desserts and candy as having added sugar, but what about less obvious sources? Some foods that most people would consider “healthy” may actually have a lot of added sugar in them, such as:


  1. Breakfast cereal

    Just because it says “whole grain” or “fortified with vitamins and minerals” doesn’t mean there’s no sugar.

    Health tip: Try to choose a cereal with 10–12 grams or less of sugar per serving. Granola and granola bars can be heavy sources of added sugars, so check their labels.


  1. Yogurt

    If you like flavored yogurt, peek at the nutrition facts label. You may be shocked at the amount of sugar you are eating.

    Health tip: Try looking around and experimenting with other, less sugary yogurts. You can always get a plain yogurt and add your own fruit!


  1. Condiments

    Sometimes your food just needs a little extra kick, but keep in mind that it might cost you in your sugar consumption. Ketchup, barbecue sauce, hoisin sauce, teriyaki sauce, salad dressings and relish all have added sugars that mount up.


  1. Beverages

    study conducted at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found that drinking high levels of sugar-sweetened carbonated beverage was associated with a higher risk of coronary artery disease in adults without a history of cardiovascular disease, cancer or diabetes.

    Health tip: Be careful and read the nutrition facts label when choosing carbonated beverages, flavored milks and sports drinks.


Get Support

There are thousands of people that are struggling with the same problem, join one of the Facebook Group HERE.

Find many more support groups on Facebook that might work for you by searching for them on Facebook or other sites.


How To Keep Stress In Check?

As everyone is different many people try these few things:
- meditation such as yoga, sound healing
- therapy
- fitness, being active daily
- socializing
- finding support groups in the community or online

If you like to join a group we recommend the community AurasWell Collective focusing on retreats, fitness and spiritual health and well being.